For 2024 – Regularly Scheduled Individual and Group SE Case Consultations and Occasional SE Sessions with Twig

I’m dedicated to supporting helping professionals incorporating SE in their work and strive to make myself as accessible as I can for aspiring SEP’s.

I’d only look forward to an opportunity to meet with you and see how I can be of help.

Easy scheduling happens below with linked descriptions of my current offerings under the Click Here arrow toggle just below.

This scheduler below will show my availability and give you time zone translations.

It should be easy to use; though sometimes the internet is weird, any issues…just get in contact.

If You Cannot Find A Time That Works for You: Let Me Know Here

You may also be interested in one of these well organized online programs for SEP’s.

Where to Start and How to Proceed v.2

Twig’s best attempt to explain: “What is needed for successful SE sessions in the real world,” with practical step by step guidance on how to meet those needs. Refined and enjoyable online learning.

Twig’s Guide to the SE Language v.2

A complete exploration of the reasons, rationale, delivery and verbiage in the SE language. Critical to your success in leading clients through successful SE sessions is to know how to “Speak SE with them.”

Or check out one of these popular pieces from Twig’s SE Reflections Archive

Or Go On Your Own Adventure…

Starting in 2008 I began producing public service announcements, interviews, podcast episodes, performances, lectures and adjunctive training materials for SE students and practitioners. The VAST majority of this work was done for you in the creative commons without fee. Surely there is going to be something of interest to you along the way.

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Twig's Newsletter for Helping Care Professionals focused in SE Land

[A Re-Invigoration of is under way...]

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