098: Preparing Clients for Surgery

Play Episode 98 Here

I’ll be adding Show Notes eventually. For now, I hope some of you will enjoy the audio recording which is available here.

You can also download my original primer for Preparing for Surgery below by entering your email below – which will help me gage interest in this piece and also let you know of updates to the primer.

SE Influenced - Guide/Primer for Preparing for Surgery

Surgery is naturally stressful. You can minimize this stress by preparing for it. 

This Free Guide will help you with that. An updated version of this primer is in development. For now, here’s the original.

Signing up for this primer also adds your email address to Twig’s Newsletter for Helping Professionals. Over time this will share news with you about other related projects and updates.

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1 thought on “098: Preparing Clients for Surgery”

  1. Pingback: Chronic Illness Recovery: Books for Understanding And Healing Trauma That Will Help Your Symptoms - Chronic Illness Trauma Studies

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