Created specifically for Somatic Experiencing® Students &  Practitioners to encourage you in your studies and work.

Includes frequent Cheers for Dr. Peter A. Levine, founder of SE®, And other Somatic traditions Informed by the New Traumatology and Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory with Original and Lasting InFluence from
Steven HOskinson of OI®.

Produced by Anthony Twig Wheeler, a fully engaged SEP, Consultant, Enthusiast and Advocate.

NOTE: This is not a place to learn Somatic Experiencing® wholecloth. That can be done with the Somatic Experience Trauma Institute. This is an independent adjunctive support site for SE Students and Practitioners.

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What People Say…

“I’ve listened to most episodes 2 or 3 times.”


Michelle Eldridge

Wisconsin based SEP

“I listen to Twig’s SE Reflections podcast while driving to the office.”


Susan Vose

Arizona based SEP

“I’ll always remember the summer I spent listening to Twig’s SE Reflections recordings.”



Poland based SEP

Latest Podcast Postings:

Orientation and Disclaimers

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Turn your SE Practice into Art with Twig’s Online SE Courses

Where to Start and How to Proceed v.2

Twig’s best attempt to explain: “What is needed for successful SE sessions in the real world,” with practical step by step guidance on how to meet those needs. Refined and enjoyable online learning.

Twig’s Guide to the SE Language v.2

A complete exploration of the reasons, rationale, delivery and verbiage in the SE language. Critical to your success in leading clients through successful SE sessions is to know how to “Speak SE with them.”

View All of Twig’s Offerings

Practitioner Development and Consultation

Available on: Zoom and Phone

Please Note: Twig’s Public SE Practice is Currently Closed. View the SE Practitioner Registry

Related Projects by Anthony Twig Wheeler

Polyvagal Theory Simplified

A curated collection of the best of the web in explaining the Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges with extensive original content from Twig.

A growing collection of Public Service Announcements from Twig to help minimize stress and trauma in troubled times.

Twig’s Storytelling and Cultural Animation site advocating for a reunion with human nature and biodiversity in the age of fragmentation.

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