063: Will this Pendulate?

Play Episode 63 Here

Here is a critical question behind the scenes in every session…Will this Pendulate? From a repetitive tension pattern to a looping storyline there are plenty of times a felt experience won’t find change unless some outside smarts are brought to bare. That’s part of our job as Somatic Experiencing Practitioners: to be able to discern whether an element of experience is likely to pendulate or not and what to do based on that assessment.

Do we lean on this or that element of experience? Do we trust the pendulum to swing or get in there and direct it? Do we hope for the best or make something else happen? I don’t answer these directly but I do look at them all while holding the tension inside the question – will this pendulate?

Many of the themes I touched on in Episode 63 were addressed in my Guide to the SE Language.

Twig’s Guide to the SE Language v.2

A complete exploration of the reasons, rationale, delivery and verbiage in the SE language. Critical to your success in leading clients through successful SE sessions is to know how to “Speak SE with them.”

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