054: More Fires, Community Trauma on Repeat and Leaning on what’s going in the right direction

Play Episode 54 Here

I needed to step sideways of the review of the polyvagal theory layout and organization of the ANS and go with a topical concern right now while wildfires are back in my area. It’s an interesting opportunity to consider where we place our attention and what we focus on when we encounter repetitive dangerous events. My preference is to lean on what’s helping things go in the right direction – at least as much as possible. This is a pretty “off-the-cuff” episode.

Helpful Links to Episode Mentions:

A workshop I think we should all check out: Foundations of Disaster Response for SE Providers by the Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute

An early post by me with very basic thoughts on working with people after natural disasters.

This gives good background story on the fires I talk about in this episode: Twig’s SE Reflections Podcast #47 – Natural Disasters in one SEP’s Backyard.

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